Being a Escuela Verde means that we actively embrace measures and policies to promote environmental sustainability and stewardship within our school community. We are dedicated to reducing our consumption of natural resources, including water and energy, while fostering waste separation and recycling initiatives. Additionally, we strive to encourage sustainable modes of transportation among our students.

Within our curriculum, we seamlessly integrate environmental education, providing our students with comprehensive learning opportunities on topics such as climate change, biodiversity, and the preservation of natural resources. Through engaging environmental projects, outdoor activities, and active participation in community-driven campaigns, we endeavor to instill in our students a deep sense of responsibility for caring for and preserving our environment.
Being a Escuela Verde is not merely a label; it is a fundamental aspect of our identity. It is our commitment to equipping our students with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to become conscientious and engaged citizens dedicated to the well-being of our planet.